Entre Nous 1 €42.00
(ISBN: 9789463250191)
In this course, we build your vocabulary to enable you to talk about a variety of subjects including your hobbies, plans and shopping. We will discuss the past tense (passé composé) and future tense (futur proche) as well as du, de la, de l' and des. Themes include ordering something in a restaurant, your own eating habits, clothing, colors and telling the time. After this course you will be able say what time it is, what you like to eat and drink, what kind of groceries you need and what the price of a product is. You will also be capable of reading short texts and answer questions connected to these texts. Other topics include the possessive pronoun, other forms of negative expressions and a few new irregular verbs.
Voor wie: Students who completed Français Débutant 1 or already have a CEFR level of A0-A1 and need instruction from English.
Frequentie, duur, dag en tijd: Eén keer per week gedurende 11 weken. De eerste les is in de week van 14 april, tenzij anders vermeld. U kunt deelnemen aan deze groep:
💡 tip: u mag later altijd wisselen van groep of niveau
Gebruikte lesmethode: Het boek (exclusief) kunt u voor meerdere modules binnen hetzelfde traject gebruiken. U kunt het boek zelf bestellen via o.a. bol.com
(ISBN: 9789463250191)
Volledige programma voor Frans:
Cursus Nederlands | Cursus Duits | Cursus Deens | Cursus Noors | Cursus Spaans | Cursus Italiaans | Cursus Frans | Cursus Portugees | Cursus Engels | Cursus Turks | Cursus Chinees (Mandarijn) | Cursus Japans | Cursus Russisch | Cursus Pools | Kindercursusssen | Intensieve cursus Nederlands | Intensieve cursus Engels | All-You-Can-Talk | Nederlands Onderdompeling | Veelgestelde Vragen (F.A.Q.) | TaalTaal Blog | De/Het spel