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flagEnglish IELTS training


During this course you're going to be drilled in each of the four exam parts: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. You will be using real assignments from previous exams. Extra attention will go the the hardest part of the exam, which is Writing. The course is both intensive and effective, to make the most of out it, you have to allocate sufficient time for both the contact hours and homework.

Voor wie: Students who already have Upper-Intermediate or higher (CEFR level B2) who need to pass the IELTS exam. Usually it's for studying at a college or university in the Netherlands or abroad.

Frequentie, duur, dag en tijd:  Twee keer per week gedurende 7 weken. De eerste les is in de week van 14 april, tenzij anders vermeld. U kunt deelnemen aan deze groep:

maan­dag en don­der­dag
18:00 tot 20:00

💡 tip: u mag later altijd wisselen van groep of niveau

Gebruikte lesmethode: Het boek (exclusief) kunt u voor meerdere modules binnen hetzelfde traject gebruiken. U kunt het boek zelf bestellen via o.a. bol.com


Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Student's Book with Answers €35.00

(ISBN: 9781316637821)

Volledige programma voor Engels: