English File advanced (4th) €48.00
(ISBN: 9780194038355)
English Advanced NEW 1 is part 1 of 3 of our Advanced course which covers Chapters 1-3 of the English File book. Topics include conflict and warfare, books and films, personality types, and career choices.
Resultaat na afloop: You will have gained a higher level of proficiency that enables you to perform complex tasks related to work and study as well as share opinions on a wide range of topics including literature, cinema, and work-life balance with greater detail. You demonstrate flexibility between formal and informal styles while engaging in academic, business, and professional discourse. Your vocabulary will have been enriched with idiomatic expressions, phrasal verbs, and discourse markers which you can comfortably use in written and spoken communication. Advanced listening activities have fine tuned your ability to understand colloquial language, enabling you participate in meaningful social interactions, understand various types of humour, and respond appropriately in English-speaking environments. You will have tackled various types of complex written material that demonstrate proper writing structure and organisation.
Frequentie, duur, dag en tijd: Eén keer per week gedurende 11 weken. De eerste les is in de week van 14 april, tenzij anders vermeld. U kunt kiezen uit deze groepen:
💡 tip: u mag later altijd wisselen van groep of niveau
Gebruikte lesmethode: Het boek (exclusief) kunt u voor meerdere modules binnen hetzelfde traject gebruiken. U kunt het boek zelf bestellen via o.a. bol.com
(ISBN: 9780194038355)
Volledige programma voor Engels:
Cursus Nederlands | Cursus Duits | Cursus Deens | Cursus Noors | Cursus Spaans | Cursus Italiaans | Cursus Frans | Cursus Portugees | Cursus Engels | Cursus Turks | Cursus Chinees (Mandarijn) | Cursus Japans | Cursus Russisch | Cursus Pools | Kindercursusssen | Intensieve cursus Nederlands | Intensieve cursus Engels | All-You-Can-Talk | Nederlands Onderdompeling | Veelgestelde Vragen (F.A.Q.) | TaalTaal Blog | De/Het spel