Begegnungen A2 (n) €30.00
(ISBN: 9783969150085)
Result after the course: In this course you will repeat and broaden the knowledge acquired in A1. The past tense will be dealt with, you will talk about events which happened yesterday or longer ago. Varied subjects (and their relevant vocabulary ) like music, film, money and spare time activities, will come up. With the use of verbs like: können, müssen, dürfen etc you will learn to express your preferences and qualify the differences.
Frequency, duration, day and time: You can choose from one of the following seasons:
Once a week during 11 weeks. The first lesson is in the week of 20 January unless noted otherwise. You can join this group:
💡 tip: you may always switch to another group or level
Once a week during 11 weeks. The first lesson is in the week of 14 April unless noted otherwise. You can choose one of these groups:
💡 tip: you may always switch to another group or level
Lesson method: The book (exclusive) can usually be used for multiple courses. You can easily order via
(ISBN: 9783969150085)
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