Erkundungen DaF B2 Kurs-/Arbeitsbuch + Audio-CD €30.00
(ISBN: 9783941323438)
Having successfully achieved level B1, you are now going to further improve this during the present course. You are going to broaden and deepen your knowledge you have acquired so far and further develop your skills by covering interesting topics such as: school memories, interpersonal relations, living circumstances, travelling and contact with other cultures. Various grammar topics, including modal auxiliary verbs, the past tense, the use of adjectives and prepositions and the direct form (Passiv) will be repeated and deepened. The grammar, together with your ever-expanding vocabulary, provides the basis for your communication, which will continue to grow and improve. Although listening and reading will be covered extensively, the main focus of this course will be on 'producing' the language, i.e. speaking and writing. You will be working on improving the ability to express yourself by discussions, commenting on graphs, writing letters and composing oral and written summaries.
Frequency, duration, day and time: Once a week during 11 weeks. The first lesson is in the week of 14 April unless noted otherwise. You can choose one of these groups:
💡 tip: you may always switch to another group or level
Lesson method: The book (exclusive) can usually be used for multiple courses. You can easily order via
(ISBN: 9783941323438)
All courses in the German program:
Dutch Course | Danish Course | Norwegian Course | German Course | Spanish Course | Italian Course | French Course | Portuguese Course | English Course | Turkish Course | Chinese (Mandarin) Course | Japanese Course | Russian Course | Polish Course | B2B | Intensive Dutch Course | Intensive English Course | All-You-Can-Talk | Dutch Immersion | Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) | TaalTaal Blog | De/Het game