Milào Basiscursus Nieuwgrieks tekstboek €47.00
(ISBN: 9789046905340)
Result after the course: You can take part in conversations on an elementary level and you're able to read simple texts in Greek, such as newspaper articles and headlines.
Frequency, duration, day and time: You can choose from one of the following seasons:
Once a week during 11 weeks. The first lesson is in the week of 20 January unless noted otherwise. You can join this group:
💡 tip: you may always switch to another group or level
Once a week during 11 weeks. The first lesson is in the week of 14 April unless noted otherwise. You can join this group:
💡 tip: you may always switch to another group or level
Lesson method: The book (exclusive) can usually be used for multiple courses. You can easily order via
(ISBN: 9789046905340)
(ISBN: 9789046905333)
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