Édito B1 €33.00
(ISBN: 9783125295162)
For whom: Students who completed Français Intermédiaire 1 or already have a CEFR level of A2+.
Result after the course: During this course we shall talk a lot about everyday subjects, current events, and themes like all the French public holidays and celebrations and what is understood by “the French speaking world”. Various grammatical subjects will be addressed: such as the subjunctive, the different past tenses and the relative clause.
Frequency, duration, day and time: Once a week during 11 weeks. The first lesson is in the week of 5 May unless noted otherwise. You can join this group:
💡 tip: you may always switch to another group or level
IMPORTANT: As May 5th is Liberation Day, the first lesson will be held on Tuesday, May 6th, at the same time. From the second lesson onwards, classes will return to the usual Monday schedule.
Lesson method: The book (exclusive) can usually be used for multiple courses. You can easily order via bol.com.
(ISBN: 9783125295162)
(ISBN: 9783125295179)
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