English File Intermediate (4th) €48.00
(ISBN: 9780194035910)
English Intermediate NEW 1 is the first of three parts of our Intermediate course which covers Chapters 1-3 of the English File book. Topics include finances, modern family life, personality, and gender roles.
Result after the course: You will have reinforced your understanding and use of the present simple and continuous tenses, the use of present tenses in future forms, and learned rudimentary use of the present perfect continuous. You will have been introduced to strong adjectives, collocations, and proper adjective + preposition combinations which you can use to express comparisons between people and experiences. Your pronunciation has improved through the practice of short and long vowel sounds and proper sentence stress.
Frequency, duration, day and time: Once a week during 11 weeks. The first lesson is in the week of 14 April unless noted otherwise. You can choose one of these groups:
💡 tip: you may always switch to another group or level
Lesson method: The book (exclusive) can usually be used for multiple courses. You can easily order via bol.com.
(ISBN: 9780194035910)
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